Brepolis  Latin Ngram Viewer

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The results below link directly to the results in the Cross Database Searchtool (CDS).
Please mind that a subscription is required.
&fortuna 4.44E-4 5.07E-4 7.23E-4 8.15E-4 6.47E-4 1.64E-4 2.35E-4 7.09E-5 8.80E-5 4.17E-5 6.56E-5 4.49E-5 9.23E-5 5.82E-5 7.07E-5 7.71E-5 1.32E-4 2.67E-4 3.56E-4 1.49E-4 1.94E-4 6.18E-5 4.58E-6


This tool supports single and multiple character wildcard searches.
A question mark '?' allows for single character wildcard search
For example, to search for "pater" or "mater" you can use the search:
An asterix '*' allows for 0, 1 or more characters to be replaced within a word.
For example, to search for "ater", "pater" or "frater", you can use the search:
Both the '?' and the '*' wildcard can be used at the beginning, the end or anywhere within the search term.
An ampersand '&' prepended to a word, will expand it to all other words that have the same lemma.
For example, to search for all forms of the lemma 'physicus', you can use the search:
Results will include: physicus, phisica, ... but also: fysicus, fysica, ...
Search terms with an ampersand '&' may not include any other wildcards ('*' or '?').



When you want to display multiple graphs (series) on a single chart, please separate the search terms with a comma ','.
For example:
&Plato, &Aristoteles



Character casing will be ignored. It is not possible to distinguish between upper ad lower case.
For example:
Deus and deus will give the same results.


This application is provided for free to the scientific community to support the research and discovery of the Latin language throughout the centuries.
We hope that it can facilitate and enrich your study.

How can this application help you?

This tool will give you:
  • The absolute and relative occurence of each word (or combination of words) in all of our full text Latin databases
  • A means to visualize and compare occurences of different words in 1 graph
  • See the evolution of the usage of words throughout the centuries


An n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n words from a given sequence of text”.
In this case, we took all the texts from all our Latin full text databases and stored each combination of 1, 2, 3 and 4 words.
After collecting all these n-grams, they were sorted and counted per century.

Eg.: The text “In primis concessisse Deo et hac presenti carta nostra ...” (First article of the Magna carta) resulted in:

InIn primisIn primis concessisseIn primis concessisse Deo
primisprimis concessisseprimis concessisse Deoprimis concessisse Deo et
concessisseconcessisse Deoconcessisse Deo etconcessisse Deo et hac
deoDeo etDeo et hacDeo et hac presenti
etet hacet hac presentiet hac presenti carta
hachac presentihac presenti cartahac presenti carta nostra
presentipresenti cartapresenti carta nostrapresenti carta nostra ...
cartacarta nostracarta nostra ...carta nostra ...
nostranostra ...nostra ...nostra ...

Absolute and relative occurence

Ocurrences are given as:
  • absolute values: exact number of occurences of a word in a particular century
  • relative values: calculated as a percentage of all n-grams in a particular century

Cross Database Searchtool

CDS The data for this project was generated from the Cross Database SearchTool.
This database includes all texts of:
LLT-ALibrary of Latin Text (Series A)
LLT-BLibrary of Latin Text (Series B)
eMGHMonumenta Germaniae Historica
ACLLArchive of Celtic Latin Literature
ALDAristoteles Latinus Database

© Brepols Publishers, 2015
All rights reserved.

Results obtained through normal use of this database are licensed under
Creative Commons License